Our Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct sets out the standards of integrity and behaviours that we expect from all our employees, from the board room to all of our operational locations, and with everyone who does business with KCA Deutag. 

Our Code of Conduct forms the basis of how we behave and interact with others. It is the foundation of our core values – WE CARE – that inspire the way we do business, our mindset and the decisions we make in our everyday roles.

Our people are our greatest asset, and our Code of Conduct acts to protect our people by guiding them on the right thing to do. Doing the right thing is vital, but not always obvious, especially with the constant new challenges we face in an ever-changing world. Our Code of Conduct is a simple guide for when we are unsure of what the right thing to do is, or we are uncomfortable with the choices in front of us.

The expectations in our Code of Conduct apply to all environments and situations where we are representing KCA Deutag. Whether we are interacting with colleagues, customers or third parties we all have a shared responsibility to SPEAK UP about an activity that is risky, harmful, unethical and / or goes against our policies and values.

Through our Culture of Care, KCA Deutag is fully committed to creating an environment where everyone feels safe to SPEAK UP. We ensure there is no retaliation against those who do the right thing and SPEAK UP.

There are a number of ways we encourage our people to SPEAK UP: via our Safecall platform, speaking in confidence to their line manager, the legal and compliance, internal audit or human resources departments, as well as any member of our leadership team.

We ask everyone to take an active role in reading and understanding our Code of Conduct. We are all individually accountable to ensure that we work ethically, making good judgement calls and always doing the right thing to #enhancethebrand.

Joseph Elkhoury

Joseph Elkhoury
Chief Executive Officer

Download our Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is available to download in multiple languages below. 

Supplier and Third-Party Code of Ethics

Our Supplier and Third-Party Code of Ethics sets out the key standards we expect from our suppliers and third parties with whom we work.

Our core values - WE CARE

Our Code of Conduct is the foundation of our core values – WE CARE – which guide how we conduct ourselves in the best interest of our business – underpinning our success now and safeguarding the future of KCA Deutag.

Together, WE CARE ensures we foster an environment where everyone feels safe to express their ideas, opinions and concerns and to ask questions and admit mistakes without the fear of consequences.

Our core value ‘Excellence’ means executing excellence in all we do – guiding how we conduct ourselves in the delivery of our WE CARE expectations. We expect everybody that works with or for KCA Deutag to behave ethically, honestly, safely, and professionally when performing their work.

Doing the right thing is everyone's responsibility and vital to the success of our business.

KCA Deutag does not tolerate retaliation of any kind when speaking up in good faith. Our commitment to nurturing an atmosphere of psychological safety encourages people to SPEAK UP without fear.


Contact Safecall
Email kcad@safecall.co.uk

Alternatively you can contact any member of the Legal and Compliance, Human Resources, Internal Audit or Leadership teams directly.

Safecall whistleblower hotline numbers

  • Algeria: +44 191 5167764
  • Angola: +44 191 5167764
  • Argentina: 0800 666 2016
  • Bahrain: 8000 4264
  • Bolivia: 800 110 328
  • Canada: 1 877 599 8073
  • Colombia: 01 800 944 8040
  • Cyprus: 00 800 7233 2255
  • Ecuador: 1 800 000 375
  • Germany: 00 800 72332255
  • Kazakhstan: 8800 3333 499
  • Kuwait: +44 191 5167756
  • Nigeria: +44 191 5167764
  • Norway: 00 800 7233 2255
  • Oman: 800 72323
  • Pakistan: 00 800 900 44036
  • Peru: 0800 77601
  • Saudi Arabia: 800 844 2067
  • Venezuela: 0 800 100 8696
  • UAE: 8000 441 3376
  • UK: 0800 915 1571.