Land drilling

Delivering safe and efficient land drilling operations. With over 135 years’ experience drilling onshore wells our land business unit delivers safe and efficient operations to our customers.

We operate a fleet of 138 land rigs, ranging from highly mobile units to large scale rigs capable of drilling extended reach wells.

Located across the world, with a large proportion situated in the Middle East, we have extensive experience operating in a range of environments such as extreme dessert temperatures.

Our fleet of drilling rigs are continually upgraded with our latest equipment and software technology improvements – ensuring we optimise performance and safety and reduce carbon emissions. Read more about our suite of oilfield technology products that are proven to maximise rig and equipment uptime, increase safety, and improve rate of penetration (ROP) here.

In addition, we offer the rental of a wide portfolio of high-quality drilling and production equipment, maintained and certified in accordance with recognised industry standards and KCA Deutag's own worldwide standards. Our Equipment Rentals brochure can be found here.

In June 2022 we announced the milestone acquisition of Saipem Onshore Drilling. To date we have completed the Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Africa components with the remaining geographies (Latin America, Romania and Kazakhstan) due to be completed in the first half of 2023.

This strategically important acquisition enables the Group to expand in our core markets in the Middle East and continue to deliver accretive value to all stakeholders: employees, customers, investors, and the communities where we live and work.

Once the acquisition is fully completed the combined Group will manage a leading global onshore drilling business with more than 11,000 employees globally.

Our ongoing integration efforts to proactively collaborate and #becomeoneteam are ensuring we safely deliver a seamless transition to all our customers.